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How do I address concerns of darkness and isolation in a new Basement?


A ‘Rooflight’ in the Basement made from two mirrors.

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Harnessing Energy Efficiency: A Green and Cost-Effective Approach to Home Design


As an architect of two decades, I have borne witness to a revolution in the design industry: the shift towards sustainable, low energy and low embodied carbon architecture. Our small design-led studio has been dedicated to creating eco-friendly homes that are as cost-efficient as they …

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The Complete Guide to Modern, Eco-friendly Kitchen Extensions


This guide will take you through the complete process of planning and implementing a kitchen extension project, with the added advantage of making your home more sustainable.

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The Architectural Evolution of London: A Journey Through Time


As an architecture studio based in the capital city of England, we find ourselves continually drawn to the architectural enigma that is London. Nestled in the heart of this city is a rich tapestry of design and innovation, each era echoing its distinct symphony, resulting in a melodio …

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How Architects Shape Lives: 25 Facets of Architectural Value

Mill Hill House in Mill Hill, North London, designed following Passivhaus principles

Welcome to a world where function and form seamlessly intertwine, where expertise and creativity give birth to structures that are not just bricks and mortar, but living, breathing entities.

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The Risks of Cheap Architect Drawing Services: 7 Reasons to Avoid Them


We’ve all been tempted to choose a bargain-priced product or service at some point, thinking we can save a few quid upfront. However, more often than not, this decision ends up costing us more in the long run. The same applies to architecture. Opting for cheap architect drawing servic …

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