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Sean Hill

Posts by Sean Hill

Redefining Sustainable Architecture: The Pioneering EnerPHit Standard

Redefining Sustainable Architecture: The Pioneering EnerPHit Standard

Given the pressing need for low-energy and low-embodied carbon designs, the industry has seen a growing emphasis on standards like Passivhaus for new builds. But what about the vast number of existing buildings that do not meet these criteria? Enter EnerPHit.

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Balancing Comfort and Efficiency: Understanding the Cooling Potential of MVHR Systems and Beyond

Balancing Comfort and Efficiency: Understanding the Cooling Potential of MVHR Systems and Beyond

Over the years, I’ve had many clients ask me about Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) systems and their capacity for cooling. This summer, we have received a great number of enquiries about MVHR systems and whether they can be adapted to offer additional cooling. MVHR sy …

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Housing Retrofit and the Quest for Airtightness: An Architect’s Guide

Housing Retrofit and the Quest for Airtightness: An Architect’s Guide

What is airtightness? Here, I aim to give you a deeper understanding of what airtightness is, combining theory with the practicalities we’ve encountered working on the many low-energy retrofit and new build projects we’ve completed. Proclima Intello tape uses for airtightness on this …

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Unravelling the Heat Pump Enigma: Debunking Misconceptions and Illuminating the Facts

image of Herbert Paradise rear and dormer extension project in Kensal Rise, North West London, includes a Heat Pump as well as other low carbon solutions

As we work alongside the UK’s net-zero carbon mission, one technology has emerged as instrumental – the heat pump. Yet, misconceptions surround it, impeding its adoption. In this guide, we’ll address and debunk 20 prevailing myths.

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The Architect’s Guide to Modern Plaster Walls: Uncovering Six Distinct Techniques

Clay plaster at our Douglas House project in the Dining and Kitchen in Kensal Rise, North West London (Birch Plywood storage doors on the right hand side)

Over the years we have grown increasingly attentive to the intricate details of the spaces we live in. Our focus has been on designs that optimise low energy and low embodied carbon. One of the critical facets of this work is the understanding and use of the materials we put into thes …

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Shaping Tomorrow’s Buildings: Towards Carbon-Positive Architecture

image of McKelvey Farm House, an example of carbon positive design

We have been involved in exploring the new frontiers of low-energy and low-embodied carbon designs for many years. Today, I’m excited to share the crucial role architects, like us, have in fighting the biggest challenge of our age – the climate crisis. Chapter 1: The Imperative of Car …

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Considering a Spacious Home Extension? Prior Approval Application for Larger Home Extension

Rear Extension Herbert Paradise at Douglas House in Kensal Rise, North West London, RISE Design Studio

Is it possible to construct an eight-metre-deep extension without the requirement for planning permission? Allow us to elaborate on the possibilities and limitations within the scope of Prior Approval. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll share insights and strategies for navigating the …

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The Future of London’s Historic Houses: Revitalising the Old with EnerPHit Refurbishments

Queen's Park House in Queen's Park, NW London, which included upgrading the existing walls with internal wall insulation.

Our journey in refurbishing London’s historic homes has led us to embrace the EnerPHit refurbishment strategy. This methodology guides us in revitalising older buildings to meet modern efficiency standards, and crucially, aligns with the government’s ‘2050 net-zero‘ carbon emissions t …

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Acoustic Architecture: The Resounding Legacy of Sound Mirrors

An image of a Sound Mirror in Dungeness, South East England

We have often drawn upon diverse sources of inspiration, ranging from the natural world to historical structures. Over the years, our focus has evolved towards incorporating principles of low energy and low embodied carbon into our designs, aligning with the urgent need for sustainabl …

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Architectural Evolution: How AI is Reshaping the Future of Design and Sustainability

Architectural Evolution

Chapter 1: The Architectural Revolution Unveiled In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, we as architects find ourselves at a crossroads. The convergence of architecture and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to redefine the profession fundamentally. As we contemplate …

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