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Our professional affiliations

RISE Design Studio Ltd is a member of The Green Register and registered with the Architects Registration Board. Our Director, Sean Ronnie Hill, is a Chartered Member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, the professional association of architects in the UK. This post provides some information about these organisations and the interests they represent.


The Green Register of Construction Professionals is a not-for-profit membership organisation that promotes sustainable building practices to all of the disciplines within the construction industry. Core activities of the organisation include: training on sustainable building practices; maintaining a register of members (all members undergo at least two days of Green Register training; and networking to allow knowledge exchange. Sustainable architecture is central to our work (see our recent post on the topic) and the publicly-available register of members is a useful source for potential clients looking for architects and other construction professionals who are committed to sustainable building. The Green Register website also hosts a very useful blog for those interested in sustainable building techniques, news, discussion and legislation.

The Architects Registration Board (ARB) is an independent, public interest body that was established by the UK Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architecture profession in the UK. ARB prescribes the qualifications required to become an architect and ensures that architects meet the standards for conduct and practice. All architects in the UK must be registered with ARB. ARB maintains the UK Register of Architects, which lists qualified architects and is available to search on the ARB website. The ARB website also provides a wealth of information for members of the public and provides some guidance on key topics to discuss with an architect if embarking on an architecture project.

The  Royal Institute of British Architects  (RIBA)  is also connected with the architects across the UK but has a slightly different role to the ARB. With around 44,000 members, RIBA promotes architecture and provides professional training and support. RIBA also maintains the British Architectural Library, which houses over four million items, including architecture books and papers. Since 2004, the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) and RIBA have worked together to promote enjoyment and appreciation of architecture, with the Architecture Gallery at the V&A being home to the first permanent gallery dedicated to the subject in the UK. RIBA is also known for running several architecture awards, including the Stirling Prize for ‘Best New Building of the Year’.

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